Parents and teachers from Al-Falah Academy gathered on April 26 to kick off the Islamic school’s Boy Scouts program. The academy members met with officials from the Boy Scouts of America to discuss how Al-Falah can participate in the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Venturing programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
“For Al-Falah Academy, we want to offer many after school enrichment opportunities to expand the horizons of kids,” said Principal Jelena Naim. “In Boy Scouts, they can learn about the outdoors, enjoy nature, learn the wide variety of skills that the Boy Scout badges recognize, and have a chance to get along with and get to know more boys their age (the same for teen girls in venturing).”
Parents echoed those sentiments.
“This is great opportunity for children to learn and explore nature [and] science beyond their classroom walls,” said parent Shameem Jabbar. “I hope my child will learn to be a good servant-leader; what I mean by this is that being a leader really means understanding different members of their community and serving each other’s needs through peaceful understanding and co-operation between members. This is entirely coherent with our Islamic belief of serving the Almighty.”
“Muslim Scouting” has existed since the inception of the Islamic Council on Scouting of North America and the National Islamic Committee on Scouting (NICS), according to Al Falah Academy.
The Boy Scouts of America has also worked with Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Under this partnership, ISNA and BSA assist one another to establish and nurture scout units so that boys, young adults, and adults may grow in character, citizenship responsibility, and physical well-being.
Through such partnerships with the BSA and GSA, Al Falah Academy says that it plans to keep youth active and engaged in learning about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, history/cultures and future careers.
“I have seen the Boy Scouts in other parts of the city,” Principal Naim said. “They are having a lot of fun. Their experiences are so great that they include the leadership skills they learned, along with other skills, in their college applications! Plus, The Boy Scouts of America organization owns properties all over GA and the US for camping adventures--younger kids can bond with parents, while older kids can learn resourcefulness and independence.”
Scouts may earn more than 100 merit badges. Three awards have also been created by NICS out of respect for the Islamic community. These are the “Bismillah Emblem,” the “In the name of Allah” emblem, and the “Allahu Akbar” emblem.
Although the headquarters of these scout units will be located Al Falah Academy, they will not be limited to Al Falah students only. Al Falah Academy says that it hopes many of the Muslims from the greater community will participate, including Muslims from public schools, home schools, and other private schools.
Parents who attended the April 26 meeting are encouraging others to join the initiative.
“This is an opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children while nurturing practical life lessons to their children,” Jabbar said. “Besides the fact that enrolling in the scouts program will be a booster to your child's college application, you can look back twenty years from now, insha Allah, and cherish these fond memories for a lifetime.”
Another parent who is interested in placing her son in the Boy Scouts said the same.
“Parents should get their sons involved with Boy Scouts because it is a positive place for them to learn very important skills that will help them as they get older,” said Gloria Bruce. “It is also a place where the boys can learn and have fun in the process. I was a Girl Scout and had some of the best experiences because it taught me compassion, teamwork, and gave me more confidence in myself.”
Al Falah is asking Interested parents to attend the Boys Scout Committee Meeting on Saturday May 9.
“With the summer quickly approaching, please be sure to get your sons and daughters signed up today,” the Academy said. “May Allah protect us and preserve our youth. Ameen!”
For more information about Scouting at Al Falah, please contact Brother Tariq (BSA) at tabdulmalik@hotmail.com and Sister Reshelle (GSA) at reshelleabdulmalik@gmail.com by phone or email.
Upcoming events
Girl Scouts S.T.E.M Day - Wednesday May 6, 4:00-5:00 pm
Boys Scout Committee Meeting – Saturday May 9, 4:00-5:00 pm
Useful Links
Scouting in the Muslim Community: http://www.scouting.org/About/FactSheets/operating_orgs/Islamic.aspx
Islamic Committee on Scouting:
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