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A Muslim attorney who grew up near the site of last week’s deadly Chattanooga shooting is speaking out in the wake of the incident. Ibrahim Awad, who practices law in Atlanta, returned to Dalton, Georgia after the shooting and spoke to a CBS affiliate about the local Muslim community’s reaction.
"The Dalton community as a whole is grieving and mourning this loss of life", said Awad. Mr. Patterson, an Army veteran, felt compelled to accompany Mr. Awad to show his solidarity with the Muslim community. The two have been friends since grade school.
Five U.S. Marines died when 24 year-old Kuwaiti-American Muhammad Youssef Abdulaziz opened fire on two army recruitment centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The city of Dalton—and its Islamic center—is located less than thirty miles south of the Tennessee border.
Some local Muslims responded by canceling their Eid holiday celebrations and joining the Tennessee community in praying for the shooting victims.
The full, unedited version of Awad’s interview appears below:
For the full news release and Dalton Islamic Center press release, see below:
Dalton Islamic Center Press Release
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