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“Reform” and “reformist” are words that are commonly heard nowadays throughout the media. Within Muslim communities there is an ever growing theory that Islam is in need of reform.
MyATL is an initiative aimed towards starting the dialogue as to how we as the Atlanta community can find common grounds to transition and work together. The hearts and minds of the Muslim organizations, Masjids, institutions, and peoples of the Greater Atlanta Area can prioritize and resolve conflicts mobilize and channel resources in a more efficient manner lay a framework for progress in taking the Atlanta community to the next level, based on the principles of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Today we are undeniably living in a transitional period. In the next few years, we will see a multidimensional shift from an immigrant majority to a home grown majority Muslim population. As Muslims, we may pride ourselves on Islam being the fastest growing religion. Yet, skepticism continues to grow internally due to issues of compatibility and relativity. Internal strife and sectarianism causes the skepticism to deepen.
The question still stands: is Islam in need of reform?
Often, due to the political and social climate, there is much focus on outreach and interfaith efforts, but a lack of intra-faith initiatives. In the present circumstances of the Muslim community, we see that there is a great human need for unity in all sorts, including creed, social activism, political involvement, etc.
This need is of greater urgency living firstly as Muslims, and secondly as a marginalized minority in America. The inability of the older and younger generations to complement one another will only give way to the theory of reform.
Although Islam is universal, the challenges that face Muslims varies from place to place. At heart, the prevalent challenge facing the Ummah today, globally and locally, is disunity.
Unity is not only a religious obligation but it is a human need for prosperity and advancement. Many misunderstand the concept of unity. The human body is one unit although it is composed of many different organs, each with their particular functionality. They work in harmony and unite to serve one purpose: to preserve your life. So too must Muslims around the world unite to serve one positive purpose.
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