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On August 11th, leaders of Georgia Muslim community attended a dinner meeting with the Honorable Rep. Keith Ellison hosted by I-PAC Georgia. He represents the fifth district of Minnesota and he is the first Muslim to be elected to the United States Congress. He was also elected this year as the Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party. He is a strong voice in Congress for Muslims; standing against Islamophobia and advocating for the inclusion of all minorities. Rep. Ellison engaged with the 100+ attendees at The Cedar Grill in Alpharetta, GA. Also in attendance were political candidates running for US Congress from Georgia and Michigan, and candidates running for the Atlanta City Council.
I-PAC Georgia is the Independent Political Action Committee. Launched in August 2016, the main objective of I-PAC is to increase the voter impact of Georgia Muslims in state and national elections. We aim to vet, endorse, and help select candidates who support our civil rights and believe in liberty and justice for all Americans--including all minority groups. I-PAC Georgia has made strong connections with candidates in Georgia elections at the state, county and city levels. We were instrumental in establishing early connections with Jon Ossoff, the Democratic nominee for Congress in the 2017 special election in Georgia's sixth congressional district. Jon Ossoff has been very supportive of our community and frequently visited every mosque within the 6th district during his campaign run.
The Muslim American community has the numbers to significantly impact elections. We need to focus on uniting in support of the right candidates and we must increase our voter participation rate. Estimates are that only 20% of eligible Muslims vote. While other organizations are doing very good work on increasing our participation rate, I-PAC is focused on informing and selecting the right candidates for us to support.
For more information please visit our website and our Facebook page.
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