With Hajj costs increasing at an average of 5% a year, higher than the rate of inflation, it is becoming more difficult for lower and middle-class families to afford to go for Hajj. Millions of Muslims around the world have never been to the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah. In response, the Hajj Sponsorship program was created this year to collect money for an individual to go for Hajj.
Earlier this year, we had 30 applicants apply to the program that met the following criteria:
Resides in the Metro Atlanta area
No outstanding debts
Over 40 years old
Mentally and Physically able
Never been to Hajj before
It was a hard and time consuming process, but we finally selected a candidate! This individual will insha-Allah will go with Buraq travels this year! We just have one major hurdle...FUNDS! Our goal is to raise $9,300 by the end of Ramadan. We can't do it without your help! Please donate as much as you can.
We've have been receiving a number of inquiries about Hajj not being mandatory for those who can not afford it. We understand this issue and concern. Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section on our site: https://sites.google.com/view/hajjsponsorship/donor-main-page/donor-faq?authuser=0
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