I have always enjoyed working with people. Either I can help them navigate new perspectives, solve problems, or simply hurt and grieve with them. Having people trust me with their truths has been an incredibly enlightening journey about what it’s like for our people in today’s world.
I chose to write this book about my interactions with Muslims and how I have learned to help them work towards being confident and independent in their faith. The faithful can drive people away by making them feel as if they aren’t “Muslim” enough because of their struggles or lifestyles. If they don’t fit a pre-molded version of what Islam “should” look like, they are criticized and excluded.
This book aims to challenge these negative approaches. In the chapters of my book, I address people’s battles with suicidal ideation, being pressured into religious practices, and being made to feel as if they can’t question their feelings. I talk about people who chose to come out, when our sisters opened up about the #MeToo movement, when men admitted they were abusers, and what I have learned about our brothers and sisters who leave the faith.
I am not just sharing stories. I am hoping to shed light on perspectives that can empower people to be confident and independent through their Muslim identity. I am hoping to enlighten people of faith to be better companions of those whom they wish to serve. I am aspiring to revive the sunnah of meeting people where they are, and being an understanding and supportive companion on their journey of faith. It is as the Prophet (saw) has said, “Verily Allah is kind and He loves gentleness. He gives you results through your gentleness the likes of which He will not give you through harshness or anything else.” I pray this book can help each one of its readers to find their strength in faith.
The book is available for purchase here
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