This article will continue to be updated as we find more ways to support Palestine and the residents of Sheikh Jarrah.
By now, most of us are aware of the current situation in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem thats residents are at risk of being evicted from their homes under Israeli order. The residents, having lived in the neighborhood for generations, have attempted to appeal the eviction, and while the hearing was initially scheduled for Monday, it has now been delayed.
The situation has since escalated as hundreds of Palestinians have gathered over the past few days to protest in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah. In response, they’ve been met with tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades both in areas of protests and worship. This past Friday, Israeli officers stormed Masjid Al-Aqsa, attacking and injuring at least 200 Palestinians. Officers then returned on Saturday, injuring at least 90 more.
It’s essential that we do more than simply stay informed of the Israeli state-sanctioned ethnic cleansing taking place in Sheikh Jarrah. Here are some action items to complete:
1. Donate: - American Muslims for Palestine Launchgood campaign - PAMA Al-Aqsa Mosque + medical response team fundraiser - Islamic Relief USA: https://secure.irusa.org/donate/give-gift - Provide Nutritious Meals for Children in Gaza through the Middle East Children's Alliance here. - The Institute for Middle East Understanding: https://imeu.funraise.org/ (supports Palestinian voices and rights).
2. Call on U.S Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to demand an end to the Israeli-backed illegal evictions of Palestinians and the demolition of their homes here.
3. Find out if your US representative has issued a statement condemning the treatment of the Palestinians here. And if they haven’t, here’s an outline you can use to call on them for a statement.
4. Contact a local news channel and question them concerning their lack of coverage.
5. Follow @jewishvoiceforpeace, @mohammedelkurd, and @subhi.taha to stay informed and learn more about the situation.
6. Follow and support these organized US efforts: @ampalestine, @theimeu, @palestinianyouthmovement.
7. Sign this petition in support of imposing financial and military sanctions on Israel for war crimes.
8. There will be nationwide protests on the 15th; locations and details can be found here (@palestinianyouthmovement). *Update: the protest in Atlanta will take place on the 15th at 1 PM outside the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.*
9. In three simple steps, tell Congress to pressure the State Department to end forced expulsions and violence against Palestinians here.
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