Unmosqued is a documentary film which aims to engage a group of people who have been disconnected from their local mosques and explore the various reasons that have led to this sentiment. The film features interviews with Nouman Ali Khan, Imam Suhaib Webb, Imam Khalid Latif and many others.
Join us for the Atlanta Premiere of Unmosqued.
The screening will be followed by a thought-provoking discussion and Q&A with the Producer of Unmosqued, Atif Mahmud, and our resident Imam at Madina Institute USA, Muhammad Mendes.
Event details:
Georgia Tech Student Center - Theater 350 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA 30332 April 26th, 6pm (doors open at 5:30pm) $15 Online @ http://www.eventbrite.com/e/unmosqued-the-film-atlanta-premiere-tickets-11064320681 $20 at the door
For more information about the film, including a theatrical trailer, please see: http://www.unmosquedfilm.com/about/