More than 90,000 Syrian refugee children haven been out of school for years.
Without education, an entire generation will be lost.
Help us save their future.
Mufti Hussain Kamani (Renowned speaker from Chicago)
Br. Shahir Raslan (Renowned and highly knowledgable speaker from Atlanta, GA on Syrian Crisis)
Mulham Shbeib (A very eloquent and dashing motivator)
Will dinner be provided? Yes
Is there babysitting? No
Contact Information:
Hafiz Amjad Saeed (RC, Helping Hand Mid South East Region- (678) 469 8319
Mirza Krndic (HHRD) - (678) 773-4286
Ticket Information: $20per person online/at the door.
Ticket link: Will update as soon as it is up