Muslimahs Endure believes that everyone deserves to have access to swimming. Our swimming lessons are specially designed for women and their children to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for learning and fun.
We offer lessons for ages 4* years old to adults of all ages. And our levels range from beginners to Advanced with an approximate 10:1 maximum student-to-teacher-ratio to ensure students receive proper guidance and attention to progress through our program.
After enrollment, each student will be accessed and placed in the appropriate swim level:
Beginners (Children)
Beginners (Adult)
Intermediate Beginners
Our program operates March thru October on an eight-week cycle. Upcoming 2019 Dates:
March 17 - May 5 (Registration March 1 -13)
May 12 - June 30 (Registration April 24-May 8)
July 7 - August 25 (Registration June 9-July 3)
September 1 - October 27 (Registration August 14-28)
WHEN: Sundays
TIME: 10:00 AM -11:45 AM
LOCATION: Agnes Scott College, 225 E. Dougherty St Decatur, GA 30030
Class time will be assigned after initial assessments. Swim lessons are 45 minutes. Lap swim is also available.
COST: $65/per person**
*We enroll boys up to the age of 6.
**ME members and families with more than 3 participants from the same household receive a 15% discount. Families of 3 or more email info@muslimahsendure for the promo code. No refund policy.